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IRCC Employees Going On Strike As Early As Mid-April

Employees Going On Strike

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IRCC, which stands for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, actively facilitates immigration to Canada. The organization is responsible for granting citizenship and issuing travel documents like passports to Canadian citizens.

Additionally, it offers vital services to the public, such as processing applications and conducting in-person appointments. However, the potential for a labor disruption involving bargaining groups representing around 159,000 public servants could impact these services.

The Canadian government has updated its website, indicating that these employees may engage in a legal strike as early as mid-April 2023.

While the Federal Government is committed to fair negotiations for collective agreements, a strike could impact certain services, including those provided by IRCC. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of the potential for maintenance, partial disruption, or full disruption of IRCC services in the event of a labor strike.

Services Maintained

  • Online application submissions
  • Mailing applications to IRCC
  • Accessing online accounts
  • Some emergency services
  • Certain services offered by non-governmental organizations, like settlement services from IRCC partner associations, health care through the Interim Federal Health Program, and visa application centers outside of Canada

Services Partially or Fully Disrupted:

  • Delays or disruptions in processing applications
  • Postponed or canceled in-person appointments or events, including citizenship ceremonies
  • Difficulty in contacting IRCC via email, phone, or social media due to increased inquiries
  • Possible impact on consular citizenship and passport services, as well as other passport services in Canada

As IRCC continues to monitor the potential labor disruption, it will update its website with more information regarding the impact on its services. It is crucial to regularly check the IRCC website for updates and plan accordingly for any upcoming appointments or deadlines.

About the Potential Legal Strike

Workers at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) have voted in favor strike action as of April 14. The union advocates for better wages, job security, and increased flexibility for remote work.

The strike may impact the tax filing process as the deadline for filing taxes approaches. However, mediation talks have been scheduled between the union and the CRA to strive for a fair agreement. The CRA aims to reach a mutually beneficial deal for employees and Canadian taxpayers and will inform Canadians of any potential impacts on services.

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