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How to boost your score amidst pool of applicants for Canada Express Entry?


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The Canada Express Entry is an absolute success when it comes to applicants applying all over the world to travel to Canada, a state booming with the economy, resources, and plenty of opportunities. But with so many people in line, it is a tough job to get it to the top. However, we will be narrowing the points that will give you an extra edge over the overwhelming sea of people.

  1. Francophone Community: A report quoted by Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P., Minister of Immigration, that people falling under the Francophone community or people having proficiency in French will be given additional points under the Express Entry program for Canada. The reason being it could collaboratively increase French-speaking immigrants in Canada and achieve the targets of 4.4% by 2023.  According to recent reports, the IRCC plans to invest 40.8Million over 5years to support the consolidation of a Francophone integration pathway and horizontal policy development.
  2. Language Proficiency: It is difficult to sail past the gatekeeper wizard test if you plan on skipping IELTS or CELPIP. When you begin the 1st screening procedure, it is important to keep all your language scores at hand. If you aren’t planning on one, it’s reckless of you to start filling the first few questions to be stopped somewhere in between! Apart from your language scores, you need to keep in mind that CIC is no more taking your previous CELPIP-G scores. You ought to be writing CELPIP-General 14 unless mentioned!
  1. LMIAs rules the kingdom of Express Entry: Comprehensive ranking systems (CRS) has clearly stated that the person having a job offer duly confirmed by the LMIAs can be given an invitation to Apply (ITA)for permanent residence in Canada. However, if you do not have one, we will think of something that does not hamper the idea to apply for Express Entry for Canada program! Despite jobs duly backed by LMIAs is accounted for only 600 points out of 1200 points. The CIC has pointed out that they prefer men/women who have large human capital and no LMIA in the starting draws! Well, that sounds like a plan, if you do not have a job offer not duly signed by LMIAs!
  2. Please Avoid misinterpretation of the petition:

You will find quite several people, who will suggest you to try to put up a not “entirely correct” petition to compete for the overwhelming competition. Avoid this at all costs, as unfair means never pays you off!

  1. A provincial Nomination: A provincial nomination is your gateway to ride up the ladder and reach it to the top! The best of them will work smartly and take up this route and succeed. And those who can identify a hiring sponsor employer have better chances! Some of the major and minor provinces have priority occupations that might get closed when you visit their website. So, you need to be alert, to tap on their prime occupations list as well as on their vacancy lists. Candidates need to stay abreast of the latest news and also have their applications ready to send. Staying alert at all times, before the closing and opening of those categories will lead to the line between 600 points and ITA or maybe another 6 months of waiting!
  1. An employment Professional: All in all a great employment professional can boost your digital resume, providing you with an exclusive and extensive database of promising hiring parties in Canada and share other pointers that will help to gather more brownie points!
  2. Broader Perspective: Being strong on one factor will make you focus on one factor only. There could be always room for improvement if a candidate has more areas to concentrate, supposedly if in one area a man fails, he could try in some other!
  3. Brownie Education Points: You can gather maximum points if you have completed your education in Canada or at a Canadian Institution. Canadian Experience Class (CEC) applicants can access the Express Entry pool without requiring a post-secondary qualification, which is not the same for the Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSWC).
  4. Applying with a spouse/partner: You will only score better if your partner or spouse has applied in a province based on the category occupancy which does not have enough labor supply. If they already have, then there are high chances that the next couple will be considered! This category is partly related to Provincial Nomination.
  5. Kingly Express Entry Wizard is not so true: There are some specific sections, of the express entry profile, your status for that section, will always read “in progress”. You will get to it at some point in time. However, it might read “complete”, if the section is 100% complete! The Canada Express Entry is so powerful in gathering accurate petitions with no backlogs; it is still not very fool-proof. A recent malfunction was seen in the system wherein some particular cases, it displayed “complete” when the data uploaded was 100% correct with high green towers to reflect completion, and were other cases where it showed “incomplete”, which needed further info need to be furnished.
  6. Proofread your profile by trustworthy Person: Well, there are ample spaces, where people can miss out on things; however, most of the fields are mostly drop-down type menus with restricted fill-able form. A trustworthy person will point your mistakes without looking at your past profile and discuss who you were never, in an unbiased format! Express Entry in Canada is a nice and beautiful gateway to facilitate express immigration of skilled workers by filling out necessary details with absolutely no backlogs. However, there is a slight twist credited to its success story! They are very strict if you carelessly miss a field to fill, your applications will not bounce back or mail excellent deficiency letters and requesting people to fill in the necessary details.

The success rate of the express entry Canada is almost 80%, that points out, if you miss out on a field, no one is there to point out your mistake! You are on your own! Even silly mistakes like fail to put-in your LMIA issue or dates of expiry will not be mentioned to the petitioner. They no more spend quality time on counseling! The CRS just reviews the statistics, presented before it, and then utilizes the same, to rank you against the raw data of another candidate.

At the end of the day, it is your call to improvise the portions that you might think of, but getting a 3rd opinion from an experienced old pal is an option that we would suggest before submitting your application!

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